Passer & Rusher Rating Differential

In the NFL, teams can be measured based on many statistics. In this post I’ll try to measure teams based on passer and rusher rating differential.

Passer Rating Differential (PRD) is calculated by subtracting a team’s Defensive Passer Rating (DPR) from its Offensive Passer Rating (OPR). Teams with a high Passer Rating Differential are ranked higher, because they can pass on opposing teams and they can successfully defend against the pass. There are many Passer Rating calculators on the net, so I won’t get  into specifics how passer rating is calculated.
Imput data are: number of passing attempts, number of completions, passing yards, passing touchdowns and number of interceptions. Based on those data we can then calculate offensive passer rating and defensive passer rating.

Rusher Rating Differential (RRD) is calculated by subtracting a team’s Defensive Rusher Rating (DRR) from its Offensive Rusher Rating (ORR). Teams with a high Rusher Rating Differential are ranked higher, because they can run and they can stop the run.

Rusher rating probably isn’t so widely known stat, so I’ll try to explain how can we obtain offensive or defensive rushing rating.
Imput data are: number of rushing attempts, rushing yards, rushing touchdowns and number of fumbles.

Rusher Rating = ( Y + TD + F )* 100/4.5

Where Y  – average yards gained per attempt  = Yards/(4.05*rushing attempts)

            TD – percentage of touchdowns per carry = (39.5*touchdowns)/rushing attempts

            F – percentage of fumbles per carry = 2.375 – ((21.5*fumbles)/rushing attempts))

As of now through Week 11, two best teams in the NFL, Green Bay Packers and San Francisco 49ers, rank No.1 if we measure teams based on passer & rusher rating differential. Packers are by far the best team in Passer Rating Differential and 49ers obviously can run and they are also capable of stopping the run, so they rank No.1 based on Rusher Rating Differential.

What follows  are tables with teams ranked based on passer & rusher rating differential.

3 thoughts on “Passer & Rusher Rating Differential

  1. Sem pričakoval, da so Giantsi blizu vrha pri Passer Ratingu. Pri Rusher Ratingu sem mislu, da bodo precej nižje. Če maš podatke, kaj postavi NYG tako visoko pri ORR, če majo povprečje katastrofalnih 3,2 yarda, najslabše v ligi?

    • V izračun gre tudi število rushing touchdownov in fumblov, pri tem so pa Giantsi precej boljši kot večina konkurence v ligi. Po številu rushing TD si delijo 8.mesto v ligi, s samo 2 fumbloma so tudi zelo visoko, delijo si 5.mesto.
      Sicer je pa v postu razložen izračun, rusher rating sestavljajo 3 komponente, rating ni odvisen samo od povprečja yardov na poskus.

  2. Ja, razumem, kako se izračuna, sem vse prebral. 🙂 Zanimala sta me ta dva podatka (TD, fumbli) v razmerju na ostale, za povprečje zal na pamet vem, da so zadnji. Zdej mi je povsem razumljivo, da so tako “visoko” v ORR.

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